Pope recalls sufferings of Rohingyas


Pope Francis says he recalls so many “suffering” but “noble” faces from his just-ended trip to Myanmar and Bangladesh.
He greeted people in St. Peter’s Square on Sunday. Francis thanked God for the voyage’s opportunity to meet residents in the two Asian countries, citing in particular the tiny Catholic communities there, adding he was “edified by their testimony.”
Flying late Saturday, he recounted that he spoke frankly but privately in Myanmar about Rohingya refugees’ plight and said he cried when he met some in Bangladesh, where they have fled a Myanmar military crackdown.
He said Sunday of his trip: “Impressed on me is the memory of so many faces, tried by life, but noble and smiling.”
Francis had drawn criticism for not publicly citing, while in Myanmar, the Rohingya suffering. Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
