Poor library facilities at most pvt varsities

M M Jasim :
Most private universities are grappling with poor library facilities though library is the major means for research.
Students and teachers of many private universities alleged that the varsity authorities are busy with raising tuition and other fees and making the academic building and its outside areas are gorgeous.
Lubana Tabassum, a student of a renowned private university, told The New Nation that she is disappointed, as she does not study properly in the university due to scarcity of books.
 “There is no sufficient books in our library. We several times requested varsity authorities to increase the number of books. We also explained that it is very difficult to achieve higher education without appropriate books. But they are yet to fulfill our demand,” she said.
A senior teacher of a private university wishing anonymity told this correspondent that maximum varsities are running their academic activities in rented floors. “The authorities’ motto is to do business not to provide knowledge. It also needs huge space to establish a library. They prefer to use the space as classroom instead of library,” he said.
According to officials at the University Grants Commission, despite allocation of sufficient money for enriching libraries at the private varsities, most of the universities do not go by the Commission directives.
UGC Chairman Professor Abdul Mannan said a rich library is a must for any university as the students collect information from the books and use reference in their research paper.
 “The UGC has been asking the private universities to set up world standard libraries for their teachers and students which will help them make research paper and make them knowledgeable. But many varsities are showing reluctance,” Professor Mannan said.
He also warned stern measurers against the universities failing to enrich their libraries.
Commission sources cited example of the International University of Business Agricultural and Technology (IUBAT) which spent 42,871 for a student in 2014. It spent Tk 1,12,791 for a student in 2015, which is almost double. But the authorities did not improve library facilities during the time.
There are approximately 18,000 books in the library of IUBAT, a prime private university in the country.
According to the annual report of the UGC, the private universities on average bought 4.35 books for a student. In 2015, while the number of books has decreased as the average books for a student was 4.25.