Polls-time govt within 20 days

*No reps of BNP, civil society, says Muhith *National elections on Dec 27 likely


Special Correspondent :
Finance Minister AMA Muhith on Wednesday said that an election time government would be formed within the next 20 days without any representation of BNP and members of civil society.
“I think an election time government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will be formed within next 20 days. The parliamentary election is likely to be held in 27 December this year and that’s why the election time government should be formed three months before the national polls,” Muhith told this to reporters in a media briefing held at Bangladesh Secretariat.
He said the election time government would be formed as per the present Constitution.
“The Constitution of Bangladesh has no provision for an interim government. So, an election time government would be formed led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina within 20 days. Only the Prime Minister has the authority to decide as to what shall be the form of the government during the elections and who the cabinet members will be,” Muhith added.
He, however, said the current cabinet would be dissolved prior to formation of the government. A small cabinet will be formed with representation from political parties in the current Parliament. But the cabinet will not have any representation of BNP and members of civil society, as they were not elected as parliament members.
Replying to a question, the Minister said that he had talks with the Election Commission over the election schedule. It (EC) is taking preparation to hold the election in the last week of December and it is my hunch that the election would be held on December 27.
“The Election Commission is expected to announce the election schedule officially soon and then you may know the exact date,” he added.
He also said that the Constitution has no provision of caretaker government. So, the national polls would be conducted under an election time government.
Muhith further said that the parliament would not be dissolved according to the present Constitution. It would be dissolved automatically soon after the new MPs would be elected through the next general election.
