UP elections: Polls campaign affected by heat wave in Sylhet

Sylhet Correspondent :
Since the inception of Bangladesh, union parishad elections have been held in winter, but this is the first time the root-level polls are being conducted in summer season which is hampering election-related activities.
Chairman, woman member and member candidates as well as their supporters have to face the scorching heat while going to door-to-door of voters to seek votes.
Candidates have already requested Election Commission through the district election office to conduct election during a convenient weather specially in winter in future to ease sufferings of voters, candidates plus employees of the election office.
Nijam Ahmed , a leader of Awami Jubo League in LalabazarUnion Parishad, Dakshin Surma upazila said: “We previously saw union parishad election was held during winter season. But this time, all [voters, candidates plus employees of the election office] are facing trouble due to the blistery heat which has been sweeping through Bangladesh for the last several weeks.