Polls atmosphere may improve with army deployment: BNP

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP on Saturday voiced high hope that the prevailing election atmosphere will be improved with the deployment of Armed Forces on Monday.
“The Armed Forces are symbol of the country’s independence and sovereignty. People count on them. People believe that the terrorists won’t be able to cast fake votes and stuff ballot boxes at the dead of night if army remains in the field,” said BNP senior joint secretary general Ruhul Kabir Rizvi.
Speaking at a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he further said, “Opposition parties have repeatedly been talking about their deployment as they believe army can keep their trust. We believe people’s confidence will be restored in the election process and a possibility for a fair election will be widened if the Armed Forces are deployed.”
The BNP leader alleged that police are out there on the field with their full strength to hold a lopsided election in favour of Awami League.
He said police kept arresting their party leaders and activists and raiding their houses across the country. “Even, they’re arresting the wives and children of the BNP leaders at some places.”
The BNP leader said they have come to know that law enforcers may intensify their operation across the country to arrest the leaders and activists of Jatiya Oikyafront from Saturday.
He said their party’s 6,675 leaders and activists have been arrested while four others killed since the announcement of the election schedule.
About the shutdown of around 30 pages and accounts by social media giants Facebook and Twitter for spreading false information relating to Bangladesh election, Rizvi alleged that a deputy press secretary of the Prime Minister used to look after those social media sites.
He also alleged that the ruling party was carrying out false propaganda against BNP and its top leaders through those social media pages and accounts.