Movement when people get united: Polls ahead of 2019 must: Fakhrul


Brushing aside the ruling party leaders’ claim that the next national election to be held on completion of the
current government’s five-year tenure, BNP spokesman Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Wednesday said the election will be held much ahead of 2019.
“There was no participation of people in the January-5 election. People didn’t accept the polls. So, the next election will be held much ahead of 2019, no matter what the ruling party leaders are saying. We do believe people will force it to hold the fresh election,” he said.
Fakhrul, also the BNP acting secretary general, came up with the remarks at a meet-the-press programme arranged by Dhaka Reporters’ Unity (DRU) at its auditorium.
Mentioning that it is not possible to develop the country by snatching people’s rights and annihilating democratic system, he said Awami League grabbed power through an illegal election against people’ s will putting the country into a deep crisis. “It’s necessary to free democracy to overcome the crisis.”
Replying to a question when BNP will launch the decisive movement, the BNP leader said there is no specific date for launching the movement but as soon people will get united and vocal as earlier the movement will be launched. Criticising the government for formulating the National Broadcast Policy, 2014, Fakhrul said BNP will revoke the policy if it returns to power and ensure full freedom of press. He also said their party will not make any anti-people law if it is voted to power.
