Poll corruption Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur found guilty

bdnews24.com :
Tower Hamlets mayor Lutfur Rahman has been thrown out of office after being found guilty of corruption and illegal practices during election.
An Election Commissioner, who judged his case at the High Court, declared the results of the 2014 mayoral election at the east London borough ‘void’ on Thursday.
Rahman, Britain’s first elected Muslim mayor, was taken to court by four voters under the provisions of the Representation Of The People Act, reports The Telegraph.
He played the “race” and “religious” cards to gain ground in his re-election against Labour rival John Biggs, said Election Commissioner Richard Mawrey while outlining his conclusion.
The Bangladesh-born independent candidate had been accused of tempering with ballot papers, fraud in postal voting and also at polling stations.
“Considerable disquiet” was caused by Rahman’s supporters on polling day, said the judge, and that corrupt practices had “extensively prevailed”.