BNP to add the issue on its programme: Political parties angry at oil price hiking

BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir addresses a JCD rally in front of Nayapaltan area on Saturday protesting the killing of its Bhola district unit president Noor-e-Alam.
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir addresses a JCD rally in front of Nayapaltan area on Saturday protesting the killing of its Bhola district unit president Noor-e-Alam.

Staff Reporter :
Political parties including the main opposition party BNP expressed angry reaction at the government’s hiking oil price.
The parties said that the government has increased burden of the people of the country by hiking oil prices.
They said when the price of oil is decreasing in the world market, the government has hiked it.
The BNP leaders said that it would add the issue in its ongoing agitation programmes against the government.
Critisising the government for raising the fuel prices, BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir on Saturday voiced concern that it will hit the common people hard as the prices of all essential items will go up further.
“The fuel prices were abruptly increased by almost 50 per cent. It is just adding salt to injury of the people,” he said.
The BNP Secretary General passed the remarks while addressing a rally in front of the party’s Nayapaltan central office arranged by Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal, protesting the killing of its Bhola district unit president Noor-e-Alam and local Swechhasebak Dal leader Abur Rahim in police firing on 31July.
Mirza Fakhrul said the fuel price hike will have a terrible impact on the economy of the country and badly affect people.
He said that the people of the country are on huge sufferings due to price hiking of daily essentials and services one after another.
The BNP leader said state minister for power and energy Nasrul Hamid on Friday hinted at a slight increase in the fuel
prices keeping them at a tolerable level, but the prices were raised greatly at night.
Fakhrul alleged that the Awami League government is not only attacking opposition parties and BNP, but also indulging in widespread corruption to secure its illegal power.
BNP Joint-Secretary General Syed Moazzem Hossian Alal told The New Nation on Saturday that it would add the issue of fuel price hiking in its ongoing agitation.
He asked the people to join movement against the government.
Besides, Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader also critisied the move of hiking oil prices seriously.
GM Quader said in a statement, “The government has no feeling about the people’s sufferings so that they hiking prices of commodities and services without considering the common people’s capabilities.”
“The transportation cost will go up which will ultimately push up the prices of all essential commodities, including rice, pulses, salt and edible oils,” GM Quader said.
“The country will be affected and the common people, including the day-labourers, will be hit hard,” he feared.
On the other hand, Rashed Khan Menon, MP, President of Bangladesher Workers Party said the government intake toxic as following IMF’s prescription.
 Meanwhile, leftist wing leaders called a demonstaration against theoilprice hiking on Monday. ‘Bam Gonotantrik jote’ leaders declared the programme on Saturday from an instance protest rally in front of the National Press Club.
Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal (Rab) President ASM Abdur Rab also protested the move of the government saying it is a decision of an anti people regime.
Meanwhile, Islami Andolon Amir Mufti Syed Muhammad Rezaul Karim said that such a move must push the people in a deep crisis as prices of every commodities will go up for it.
