Political observations of govt made judgement politically controversial


Barrister Mainul Hosein :
Under the rule of law a government does not take side in court matters. Legal proceedings continues in its independent way, the government should remain neutral. The question of defending it or opposing does not arise for the government. That is impartial justice and the rule of law.
Conviction of Begum Khaleda Zia has not reached finality. She will have two appeals to set aside her conviction and prove herself innocent. The jubilation by government ministers only exposed the government’s partisan interest.
 My fear is that the government will find it more difficult to ensure the people safety and security. The government is being wrongly advised. We have to see whether the government will benefit by convincing the people about the impartial conviction.
To a people’s government winning public faith and trust is more important than to see a political opponent punished by court under the present kind of politics.
