Political Culture A Change Appearing In USA

Mohammad Amjad Hossain :
There has been change in the political structure of the United States of America in its history because of 46th President Joseph R Biden has accommodated all strata of the society in his administration. As of now this is unprecedented in the history of the United States of America. President Joseph R Biden and vice-President Kamala Harris inherited a nation still reeling from the storming of US Capitol (Parliament) apart from historic Pandemic level of political polarization unmatched in the modern era, apart from severe economic crisis while deep social division. Around 400,000 expired as a result of Covid-19 during the presidency of immediate past President Trump.
The inauguration of President Joseph R Biden on 20th January 2021 was understandably somber after more than angry debate following attack on Capitol on 6 January instigated by immediate past President Donald Trump and his coterie. Inauguration ceremony has inspired gathering present by poet Amanda Gorman 22-year poet laureate from Africa-America community. She is the first person to be named national poet Laureate.
This is for the first time in the history of the United States of America members from all communities have been included in the cabinet of President of Joseph R Biden, including Africa-America as Defense Secretary and Native America while women as Treasury Secretary for the first time in its history. She is the first woman to lead the treasury in its nearly 232-year history. Jante Yellen has a breathtaking range of experience as said by Senator Chuck Shumar, a Democrat, who has become Majority Leader in the Senate. Jante Yellen in fact served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve from 2014 to 2018. President Joseph Biden honored his commitment to build a cabinet as diverse as the nation represents. Apart from Treasury secretary Marcia Fudge, African-American will lead the Department of Housing and Development while Kathrine Tai, first Asian-American will lead US Trade representative. By now retired four star General Lloyd Austin, African-American got the approval of the Senate to become Secretary of Defence who became the first African-American to become Secretary of Defence. A record number inclusion of women in the cabinet has been justified because women represent 51.1 per cent of the population of the United States of America.
In 1933 first women Frances Perkins was appointed as Labor secretary while in 1966 first Africa -American appointed as Secretary of Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is for the first time a native American Deb Haaland has been selected to represent President Joseph Biden as secretary of the Interior.
For the first time Democratic Party has been enjoying a majority in both houses of the parliament. Senator Chuck Schumer of the Democratic Party has become majority leader in the Senate after six years while Mitch McConnell of the Republican Party now becomes minority leader of the Senate. Therefore, President Joseph Biden would receive favorable responses from the Senate in major appointments.
President Joseph Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris’ administration also gave emphasis to recruit South Asian American in their administration to run effectively. As many as 20 Indian American have been appointed to be part of Josef Biden and Kamala Harris administration, apart from one Bangladesh American.
Since historic civil unrest and police brutality against African-American has been increased recently President Joseph Biden has no other option but issued executive order on 26 January to combat racism and discrimination while ordered Department of Justice not to renew its contact with private prisons-one of multiple new planks of President Josef Biden.
The Senate, meanwhile, approved Antony Blinken as Secretary of state, who is expected to face a herculean task to restore the image of the United States of America, particularly in the Middle East.
President Joseph Biden’s administration has emphasized climate change. As a result, the President has appointed former Secretary of State John Kerry as special Presidential envoy for climate. There is no doubt that climate change has been causing devastating effects in the atmosphere of the world. That has been reflected in the number of glaciers has declined recently. Therefore, his first attempt would be rejoining Paris climate change programme which was withdrawn by immediate past President Donald Trump. The present administration of President Joseph Biden is expected to revive the image of the United States of America which has been tarnished by immediate past administration.

(Mohammad Amjad Hossain, retired diplomat from Bangladesh and former President Nova Toastmaster International club of America, writes from Falls Church, Virginia)
