Policy supports needed to popularize BD electronic goods in EU markets

Economic Reporter :
Assemblers and producers of the country are now exporting electronics goods, although, Bangladesh was totally dependent on imported such goods just few years back.
The electronic sector is one of the rapidly growing sectors in the country and there are many enterprises in operation across the country combining all types of industries and those engaged in related businesses.
A number of manufacturing industries have been established in the country with the increase in standard of living and per capita income. Television, refrigerator and air conditioner manufacturing factories are among the country’s fastest growing electronic items.
Walton, Butterfly, Rangs and some others moved to assemble electronic goods locally. However, as the market grew rapidly, local companies as well as foreign ones realised the potential in the market.
As a result, local companies began to develop their manufacturing facilities, produce components locally while importing a few technical components from abroad.
The international brands also became keen to expand their foothold in the Bangladeshi market. A number of Korean brands have recently formed joint ventures with local counterparts to establish factories for assembling or manufacturing of electronic goods.
The country’s electronics giant Walton is going to enter into the Greece market through dispatching the first consignment of its LED TV export that would be another milestone for Walton in expanding the export markets of ‘Made in Bangladesh’ labelled electronics in the European markets.
After starting TV export to Western and Central Europe, Walton recently partnered up with one of the leading Greek retailer to initiate its export operation in Greece, which is the largest economy of European Balkan region.
This new market expansion will help Walton to gradually penetrate into other Eastern European countries too, Walton officials made the remark at a programme titled ‘Expanding Export Market To Greece’ held at the Walton Corporate Office’s board room in the capital recently.
At the event, the first shipment of LED TV export to Greece was officially inaugurated.
Walton TV CEO Mostafa Nahid Hossain Ovi said, “During this Pandemic situation, Walton came up with innovation marketing strategies, adapted new sales channels to ensure steady and sustainable growth of the export market operation.”