Policy being formulated to ensure govt jobs for disabled: PM

Marking the 27th International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina exchanging greetings with the disabled children at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on Monday.
Marking the 27th International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina exchanging greetings with the disabled children at the Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on Monday.
UNB, Dhaka :
Though the government has abolished the quota system in first class public service, it is preparing a policy for the persons with disabilities, ethnic groups and underprivileged ones so that they can easily get government jobs, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday.
“There was a movement against the quota system, and again there was a series of movements a few days later. That’s why we had to abolish the system, this is true. But, now we’re preparing a policy wherein there’ll be a priority for the persons with disabilities, ethnic groups and underprivileged groups,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing a function marking the ’27th International and 20th National Day of persons with Disabilities’ at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC).
The theme for this year’s IDPD is ‘Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality’.
Sheikh Hasina said no people of the country will be neglected. “All have to realise that every person of the country is our kith and kin,” she said.
The Prime Minister asked all to create the mentality to adopt the persons with disabilities as their closest ones.
She urged the affluent section of society to come forward to ensure the welfare of the persons with disabilities. The government is determined to ensure all the basic rights for the persons with disabilities as human being, Hasina added.
“We can utilise the potentials they have…we have to build them in such a way so that we could utilise their merits and skills for the development of the country,” she said.
Hasina urged all not to neglect them, rather give them support so that people with disabilities could prove their worth and excellence in society. “We’ve to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their dormant talents.”
She said directives have been given to all concerned to ensure opportunities for the movement and toilet facilities for the special people in every establishment from now on. Putting emphasis on turning the disabled people as resources of the country, the Prime Minister urged all to work together to bring the disabled persons under the mainstream of the development. Hasina highly praised the disabled youths, particularly the special players, saying they have brightened the image of the country earning medals, including the gold ones, by participating in various international sports events.