Police to bring out nationwide anti-rape, anti-violence rally today

Staff Reporter :
Bangladesh Police will bring out anti-rape and anti-violence rally across the country on Saturday to create public awareness against rape and violence against women.
Police Headquarters Assistant Inspector General (AIG-Media) Md Sohel Rana confirmed the matter to The New Nation on Friday.
He said “Anti-rape and anti-violence rally will be brought out at 10am on Saturday throughout the country at the same time by maintaining the health safety rules and social distance.”
The gathering will be attended by a significant number of women, public representatives, teachers, imams of mosques and people from different professions, he added.
Participants in the rally will display anti-rape and anti-violence posters, leaflets and placards, urging the public to come forward against rape and violence against women and raise awareness against such heinous crimes.
Each rally will be broadcast live from its own beat Facebook page, he further added.
This official said also that Bangladesh Police are working with professionalism to bring the perpetrators to book in order to restore social order, peace and security of the people.