Police to appear as soon as get phone call, says Kishoreganj SP

Kishoreganj Police Super Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) addresses a Beat Policing Sticker Programme at Sholakia ground in Kishoreganj on Thursday.
Kishoreganj Police Super Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) addresses a Beat Policing Sticker Programme at Sholakia ground in Kishoreganj on Thursday.

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
Police Super (SP) in Kishoreganj Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM ( Bar) said that there was a time when people had to suffer a lot to get police services. I had to run here and there to meet the OC of the police station or the concerned police officer or to get his mobile number. Now you don’t have to rush to the police station to lodge any complaint or get emergency police services. The beat policing program of the district police has been inaugurated in Kishoreganj to provide security to the people and police services to the people.
The beat policing activities of the district police have started in Kishoreganj under the slogan ‘Beat policing house to house, safe society building’.
There is one beat officer in each union parishad and municipality of the district. The service recipients do not have to go to the police station for minor incidents. To get any service including law enforcement, you can contact the beat officers near the house. And the beat officer can be immediately informed of any incident on his mobile phone while sitting at home.
The beat policing sticker affixed on the door of the house will have the mobile number of concerned beat officer . locals can take their help in any need .
