Police still in dark

Motive behind RU teacher's killing not found: Held girl and her boy-friend behind the murder? Teachers, students continue demonstration


RU Correspondent :
Police has failed to bring out the motive of the killing of Rajshahi University (RU) Professor Dr. AKM Shafiul Islam even after passing three days of the incident.
Meanwhile, teachers and students in different universities, including the RU, on Tuesday also staged demonstration protesting the killing and demanding exemplary punishment of the killers. The teachers and students of the RU boycotted classes and examinations, and staged demonstration on the campus for the third consecutive day.
Over thousand teachers and students formed a human chain at Paris Road on the campus in the morning. They demanded capital punishment to the killers after arresting them. Later, they brought out a mourning procession.
Addressing the programme, Prof Pranab Kumar Pandey, general secretary of Rajshahi University Teachers’ Association, said that if police failed to give charge sheet within 15 days, they would go for tougher movement. RU VC Prof Chowdhury Sarwar Jahan also addressed the programme, among others.
RU Kendrio Sangskritik Jote also held a protest progrmame at Tukitaki Chattar following a procession. Leaders and activists of Bangldesh Chhatra League also brought out a procession on the campus. The Sociology Department of the university would observe abstention from classes and examinations till 27 November. AKM Shafiul Islam, 40, a professor of Sociology Department of the RU, was stabbed to death by miscreants near the campus on Saturday. Police could not confirm the motive of the killing till yesterday. Police, however, detained 34 people and showed 11 of them arrested in the case. A female student, who had good relation with the teacher, is one the arrestees. She is now under police custody.
However, the investigation is going to roll against the female student and her boyfriend Jahangir. Police suspect that the incident may be happened centering the girl and the boyfriend. Alamgir Hossain, officer-in-charge of the Motihar Police Station, admitted that they arrested the female student from the residence of the teacher on the day of the killing. He said that they wouldn’t tell further in this regard before the investigation.
The intelligence sources said that some confusion created centering the girl. The law enforcers are interrogating the girl, who is a Masters appeared student of the Sociology Department.
According to the sources, the female student went to the residence of the teacher on Friday evening, the previous day of the incident. The teacher was alone in his residence in that time. The student stayed overnight there and AKM Saiful Islam came out from the residence for campus on Saturday morning by keeping the student inside a room by locking it. He was killed when he was come backing to the residence.
Hailed from Gaibandha district, the female student had relation with Jahangir who was also a student of AKM Saiful Islam. It was suspected that Jahangir might be involved in the killing, as he was annoyed with the teacher for making good relation with her girl friend.
Sources said that the female student informed the situation of her detention to her family members over cell phone. The family members informed the matter to some classmates and sought their help. Uncle of the student also came at the campus to recover her nephew. In that time the RU professor was killed. It was suspected that boyfriend Jahangir knew the matter and planned to kill the teacher.
The police, who are investigating the case, said the RU professor might be killed by hired professional killers. “Six young men took part in the killing mission. After the mission was over, they fled the spot by climbing over a nearby wall before anyone could follow them,” said a high official of Rajshahi Metropolitan Police (RMP).
The intelligence sources said that the mobile phone of the teacher may be a clue, as he kept the mobile carefully until his sense. Later, another teacher of the university preserved the mobile set and provided it to the police. Police have prepared a list of suspects comprising numbers that had made phone calls before and after the murder to some fixed numbers over a 20-minute period.
Meanwhile, it was also suspected that the second wife of the teacher may behind the killing, as her relatives reportedly threatened the teacher after divorce.
