Police protection for few is not safety


EUROPEAN Union envoy in Bangladesh Pierre Mayaudon has urged the government to ensure security of foreigners in each and every corner of the country. In their view diplomats’ safety at Gulshan and Banani areas is not enough. The new security arrangement that the government is now working to put in place for capital’s diplomatic zone includes raising brick walls or barbed wire fence at many places, closure of many internal roads and arranging separate transport system for the area. It will be virtually a prohibited city within the city. Confined people within police cordon may be protection for few, but it is not safety.
News reports said EU envoy raised diplomats’ Security issues at a meeting with Commerce Minister Tofail Ahmed at his secretariat office in the city on Sunday. Ambassadors of Spain, Netherlands, High Commissioner of UK, Charge d’Affaires of Italy and representatives of Germany and Denmark were present and shared their concerns on safety issues. Tofail briefed the envoys on the steps in hands and said the government is also actively considering setting up a specialized force to protect the foreigners. There is no doubt; it highlighted the government’s determination to rein in the situation but it appears not so convincing, the fear now undermines everybody’s confidence.
Physical presence of police is not safety for the general public. It is natural after the militant attacks at Gulshan and Sholakia foreigners living in the VIP and diplomatic areas become frightened demanding comprehensive security at all levels. What they insisted is that security in diplomatic zone is no doubt important but not enough. They want total security all over the country. If the 16 crore people of Bangladesh feel secure, foreigners living here for various reasons, including business, will also feel protected; it will bring back confidence, the EU envoy is reported to have told the Minister. This is obvious because they will not always remain confined in the diplomatic area and have to come out of the highly enclosed city to travel to the countryside. Aid workers in different development projects need to travel and stay at project site. Businessmen have to move out to factories outside the cities. So what they want is general safety but it appears to be a highly challenging job as fear of more attacks can’t be altogether ruled out.
We must say that the EU envoys have made sensible points that security in the city for special groups is not enough to give safety to all. Normal life is a reality. After evening roads are empty and businesses shut down. The police cannot restore confidence in the government’s ability to provide safety and the rule of law.
The police has been empowered to arrest anybody for mere suspicion.
