Police must not endanger people`s life


ACCORDING to media reports, in the capital where members of the law enforcers were on duty at street corner some miscreants shot a youth to death and snatched Tk 2.9 lakh on Sunday. Police intervention could have avoided the crime while giving protection from the surprise attack. The Friday incident of policeman firing at an employee of a cable TV operator over payment of monthly service charges has also explicitly exposed the utter arrogance and disregard of police to people’s life and property and the issues should be addressed immediately.The incidents show that the ordinary people are victims at the hands of criminals and law enforcers as well, although police are duty bound to protect citizens’ interest and enforce laws. Some policemen get encouraged and indulge in criminal activities because of politics in police, action against criminal activities of police is not improving police performance. As protector the government that has no reputation of honesty, some police cannot keep their reputation of honesty. If we consider the people’s perception — no criminal activity in the densely populated country happens without political backup, and thus the police inaction in hunting the criminals can be perceived to exemplify the truth.The second question is what have police and other law enforcers to do to combat illegal firearms? Apart from arresting political opponents and swelling pockets by doing arrest business, police proved helpless. About police firing, we see a sheer arrogance of the policeman over his official power. The Dhaka Metropolitan Police, though, urgently suspended the policeman and formed a probe body to investigate into the incident. For a small number of bad policemen, the force could not be blamed and at the same time, the accused policemen also do not get their due punishment.The citizens of the country have become sandwiched between the arrogant police and unruly criminals. The police and criminals virtually joined their hands to victimize ordinary citizens. Criminologists said lack of ethical training and accountability along with political use of police and political recruitment have morally degraded the forces to indulge in unlawful activities.
