Police must not be allowed to kill, their duty being to save life

Police killing in our country is almost a regular phenomenon — the excuse being confrontation with dangerous criminals. A well-trained police force cannot justify killing. They are trained to catch criminals alive to put them on trial by the courts. A person who is killed is always innocent in the eye of law.
Because he has not been found guilty of a crime by a court.
As law enforcers for the protection of the people the police are seen as friends of the people.
Killing people using a common charge like terrorism is outrageous. This is an outright denial of human rights and a big crime. A court can only give a death sentence to an individual after a fair trial. This is the law in every civilized society.
Why police in our country often put people on crossfire and claim their acts were in self-defense are claims which should be unacceptable. This defence is for the untrained persons and not trained police officials.
In the USA and many other countries there is uprising against police brutality. The people irrespective of colour have united against the police so much that the demands are made to ban the police and defund them till police reforms are completed. People can rightly claim so because it is the people’s money that is being used to keep the police well-fed and well-armed.
 In the USA and other countries private individuals took the risk of recording brutal police acts on video camera thus exposing the abuse of power by the police. The police brutality and killings has been going on for ages in America and some other countries and the desperate anger has caused people to demand a rehaul of the police. The signs are bad for the police. Public awareness regarding crimes committed by police are high. In America public opinion has forced the immediate dismissal or suspension of police officers found to have committed such crimes. Court proceedings have started against them with no loss of time. It is a dangerous situation for the people and the police.
 We say with sadness that our police are used politically so freely that the image of the police has become a serious concern for knowledgeable persons.
 As a nation we do not, have the spine to protect our rights and choose our government because mainly of abuse of police power. This is shameful.
 In no civilised country are the people so helpless because in those countries police are not controlled by politics of the government.
 Our slavish mentality must be changed otherwise we shall never be free and incompetent and corrupt ones will corrupt others for their power and will treat people like the British did in colonial days.
 If police are fair and independent minded the people in government will have to take people power seriously. We shall all live safely and freely.
 In our country the abuse of police power is not limited to killing. It is the abuse of police power and corruption among police officials which are tolerated for political reasons.
 If we cannot have police as law enforcers who are tough and independent there is no hope for our society to attain peace and order.
 We can only say that police are no longer seen as people’s friends yet the people go to them as there is no other place to go to for help of the law.
 What is so disappointing is that there are so many good police officers of whom we should feel proud and hopeful. But perversely because they remain good and responsible these officers are often victims of discrimination.
 We have to be together to be free and respectable. Let us understand the pitiable is condition we live in. The corrupt ones power and talk oppress good and innocent people because greed and corruption have the power of purchasing silence. As a result people’s miseries have no bounds.
 We need police to be strong, honest and independent — otherwise we shall remain oppressed in the hands of thieves and looters. It is a disgrace that power can be abused to deny people their right to vote. Think of the image they have created for themselves.