Police Memorial Day observed in Kishoreganj


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
Police Memorial Day- 2021 was observed in Kishoreganj on Monday recalling with gratitude the contribution of the policemen, who were killed in the line of duty. Kishoreganj District Police PBI ,GRP and CID paid rich tribute to the policemen, who sacrificed their lives while discharging their duties to maintain law and order in a befitting manner.
 To mark the day, the highest -ranking police officials placed wreaths on the memorial plaque at local Police line and observed a one minute silence there showing profound respect to the martyred police personnel in the morning.
They also held a discussion meeting held at Police lines drell shed . Deputy Commandant (DC) Mohammed Shamim Alam attended as chief guest while District Police Super( SP) Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) Presided over.
 Zila Parishad Chairman advocate Zillur Rahman,PBI SP Shahdat Hossion and District Awami league President advocate Kamrul Ashasan Shajahan were attended as special guest.
It was addressed among others by Bar Association President & PP advocate Shah Azizul Haque, District Press Club President Mostafa Kamal and Mohila Awami league district Secretary Bilkis Begum and Additional SP Mizamur Rahman.
 DC Shamim Alam said Bangladesh Police will remain ever grateful to the policemen, who sacrificed their lives while discharging duties, making the police force proud.
SP in Kishoreganj Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM ( Bar) said that Recalling the contribution of the martyred policemen with due respect, Police force will remember with profound respect the supreme sacrifices of the policemen for giving away their lives for the noble cause.
