Police involved in arson, petrol bomb attack: Khaleda


Staff Reporter :BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has accused the police as well as the government of engineering arson and petrol bomb attack during the BNP-led 20-party alliance’s anti-government movement. Addressing an Iftar Party in the Supreme Court area on Saturday, the BNP Chief said, “Our three-month long movement would not have been stopped had not police set buses ablaze. Police threw petrol bombs, which themselves they admitted later. That is why they are not coming under trial.” Jatiyatabaid Ainjibi Forum arranged the Iftar Party at the Annex Building of the Supreme Court. BNP Vice-Chairman Justice TH Khan presided over the function, while BNP standing committee member Barrister Moudud Ahmed and President of Supreme Court Bar Association Advocate Khandker Mahbub Hossain, among others, spoke in the programme.  Khaleda Zia said that the leaders and the workers of the 20-party alliance are being harassed through filing false and fabricated cases against them. The government is trying to control the judiciary. The judges can’t work independently although the judiciary has been separated. So, they are not getting justice in the country, she added. She said, the people are annoyed with the government for its misrule and misdeeds. They want downfall of the government. A fresh election is needed under a non-party caretaker government system. The government has to accept the demand, said the BNP Chief. 
