Police help 250 more jobless people in Kishoreganj

Kishoreganj Police Super Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) distributes relief materials among the distressed people including people with special needs and transgenders at local Police lines playground on Wednesday.
Kishoreganj Police Super Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) distributes relief materials among the distressed people including people with special needs and transgenders at local Police lines playground on Wednesday.

Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
Kishoreganj District Police on Wednesday provided humanitarian assistance to 250 more jobless and destitute people aimed at ensuring their food security amid the strict lockdown enforced to contain the Covid-19 spread.
Each of them was given a food packages containing rice, patato, onion, oil, atta, sugar, salt, pulse soap and mask.
As part of its distribution of humanitarian aid to the less- income group people,, District Police distributed food items at local Police lines playground on Wednesday morning through maintaining health rules.
Police Super (SP) in Kishoreganj Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM (Bar) distributing people the relief meterials among the distressed people including people with special needs and transgenders.
SP Mashrukur Rahman Khaled BPM ( Bar) said the present government under the dynamic and visionary leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has been working relentlessly to support the hand-to-mouth people during the global pandemic.
However,urged the recipients to follow health rules strictly to control the spread of the deadly virus.
Among others by, Additional SPs Noor Alam, Mustaque Sarker, Anirban Chodhury, sadar Additional SP Ibrahim Hossion and dignified officials were also present.
