Police harassment protested at press meet

Al Azam, Chairman, Hathazari Pourashava reading a written statement at Chattogram Press Club against false and motivated case of Hathazarl thana police on Wednesday.
Al Azam, Chairman, Hathazari Pourashava reading a written statement at Chattogram Press Club against false and motivated case of Hathazarl thana police on Wednesday.
Chattogram Bureau :
The family members of Alhaj Ali Azam strongly protested the police harassment with false and conspiratory case against his son Md Akramuddi Pavel at the press conference held on Wednesday at Chattogram Press Club Hall.
 Akramuddin Pavel is an apprentice lawyer in the Chattogram district judge court. Father of victim, Ali Azam is an incumbent member of Hathazari Pourashava and previously he was elected chairman of Hathazari Sadar union for three consecutive periods since 1988.
Md Ali Azam read out the written statement before the press meet. The press meet was told that Apprentice Lawyer Akramuddin was picked up from his residence at Hathazari Sadar(No.1 ward) at about midnight on October 9 last without any proper warrant of arrest. On next day morning, Akram was sent to court custody with false an arm case. The press meet urged the concerned authorities to justify the arrest of Akramuddin for end of justice.