Police ensures highest security during Durga Puja

Deputy Inspector of Police, Chattogram Range Khondakar Golam Faruk speaking at a press conference at DIG Office premises at Khulsi in the Port City ahead of coming Sharadiya Durga Puja on Thursday.
Deputy Inspector of Police, Chattogram Range Khondakar Golam Faruk speaking at a press conference at DIG Office premises at Khulsi in the Port City ahead of coming Sharadiya Durga Puja on Thursday.
Chattagram Bureau :
Deputy Inspector of Police, Chattogram Range Khondakar Golam Faruk said during coming great festival of the Hindu community- Durga Puja , police will ensure highest security measures.
He disclosed at the meeting of law and order held at DIG office premises in Khulsi in the city held on Thursday ahead of coming Saradhiya Durga Puja.
He said out of the 11 district under Chattogram Range, 1,820 mandap wll be erected except the city corporations .
Beside the police forces, Ansar and community police forces wll discharge their duties to ensure peace and communal harmony in the puja areas. Among others, Additional DIG Md. Abul Foiz, Police super of Chattogram Nure Alam Mina, president and secretaries of the different Puja Committees were present in the meeting.