Police complaint against Kareena for hurting religious sentiments


Popular actor Kareena Kapoor got herself in trouble with the release of her book Pregnancy Bible. A Christian group has filed a police complaint against the actress and two others in Beed city of Maharashtra on Wednesday, accusing them of hurting religious
sentiments of the community, reports Indian Express. Alpha Omega Christian Mahasangh’s president, Ashish Shinde, submitted a complaint about the book, which has a second author. In the complaint, Shinde has referred to the title of the book, Pregnancy Bible, authored by Kareena Kapoor and Aditi Shah Bhimjani, and published by Juggernaut Books.
The holy word Bible has been used in the book’s
title and this has hurt the religious sentiments of Christians, he has said. Shinde has sought registration of a case under IPC section 295-A (deliberate and
malicious acts, intended to outrage religious feelings of any class by insulting its religion or reli-gious beliefs) against the actress and the two others.
