Police come under attack again in Jamalpur, Habiganj


 Joynal Abedin Khan :Police have failed to show any kind of visual progress of efficiency even after getting required instructions from the headquarters following the recent serial attacks on them. On Saturday, they were again attacked by the miscreants in Sharishabari upazilas of Jamalpur and Madhabpur upazilas of Habiganj amid the tight security across the country.At least five police personnel received injuries in both the attacks, sources said.Police said, miscreants snatched a convict in a drug case in Sharishabari upazilas on Saturday morning. They also snatched a pistol from a cop member. However, police could not detain any person in the incident. Even police did not open fire during the attacks. Thus, a question has been raised among the people over improvement of efficiency of police force. Police personnel are now suffering from a deep panic following the recent indiscriminate attacks on them in capital Dhaka and other parts of the country. Earlier on November 5, police headquarters have issued a set of six guidelines for the security of its personnel.”Apply force in keeping with rules and even open fire if necessary in the event of any police personnel on duty being attacked,” says one of the instructions.Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Police Nazrul Islam said that the circular had been sent to police commissioners of various cities, DIGs of various ranges, and the director general of RAB. He said that guidelines were being issued off and on to keep everyone on the alert. When asked if police would now open fire if attacked, he said: “Police are a professional force. They will act according to the law if targeted.”Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Joint Commissioner (DB) Monirul Islam said that, “Under these circumstances, we need a specialised unit to combat militancy.” In Jamalpur, relatives attacked a police team and snatched a convict in a drug case in Sharishabari upazila of the district in the morning.They also snatched a pistol from a sub-inspector which was later found from a nearby area, said Shahed Al Mamun, an SI of Tarakandi Police Investigation Centre.Police led by SI Abu Sayed arrested fugitive Hafizur Rahman, who was jailed for six months in a drug case, from his residence at Charpubaldigha village around 8:30am. When they were taking Hafizur to the police station, his relatives swooped on the law enforcers and snatched him, leaving SI Sayed and Constable Sarwar injured.The law enforcers, however, found the pistol from an adjacent area after a two-hour search. The injured policemen took primary treatment from local hospital.In Habiganj, a local traffic police and a journalist were injured as some highway robbers beat up them during looting in Adaur area of Madhabpur upazila of district early in the morning.The victims are Brahmanbaria traffic police Sergeant Md Bayzid and bureau chief (East) of ATN News Md Manir Hossain, said Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Madhabpur Police Station. He said the duo’s microbus fell victim of the robbery around 2:00am while they were on the way home from Nasirnagar area of Brahmanbaria.On Wednesday, an industrial police constable was hacked to death and another four received injuries as some unidentified miscreants made a sudden attack on them at a check post in Ashulia of Dhaka district.On October 22, an on-duty Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) of Darus Salam Police, Ibrahim Hossain Mollah, was stabbed to death by miscreants also a check post in the city.Earlier, at least nine police personnel were killed and 50 others also received injuries in several sudden attacks by miscreants in the capital and some other districts in the recent years.The victim is Mukul Hossain, 23, a constable of Sripur Police Camp while the injured is Nur-e-Alam.Meanwhile, five policemen, including a Sub-Inspector (SI), were injured when a pickup van plunged into a roadside ditch while chasing a vehicle of alleged drug peddlers in Sadar upazila of Brahmanbaria on Tuesday night.On October 5, Assistant Sub-Inspector Suzaul Islam of Pakshi Police Outpost was killed by unknown miscreant at Ishwardi upazila.A police constable died on February 5 after being treated for 19 days for injuries sustained during a bomb attack in Dhaka.
