Rickshawpuller's death: Police-BCL leader’s alleged understanding


MM Jasim :
Police could not yet trace the owner and the driver of the car, who were involved in the accident which led to the death of rickshaw-puller Jaynal Abedin on the Dhaka University (DU) campus last Thursday.
Sub-Inspector Shah Alam, who is also the Investigation Officer (IO) of the case, told The New Nation that they recovered the car from in front of the Kabi Jasimuddin Hall playground but did not find any one there.
Sources said rickshaw-puller Jaynal Abedin was taking rest on the Fuller Road on the Dhaka University campus. Suddenly a car rammed into the rickshaw and he received serious injuries in different parts of his body. The students sent him to Dhaka Medical College
 and Hospital (DMCH) where the on duty doctor declared him dead.
According to allegation the killer car was driven by BCL DU unit Planning Affairs Secretary Ashikul Pathan Setu at the time of the accident. After the accident the car was left in front of the Jasimuddin Hall. Later, the Shahbagh Thana Police recovered the car but did not arrest any one from the spot. Even they did not mention any body’s name in the case. A group of students accused the police of having understanding with the said BCL leader. But the police rejected outright the allegation.
Setu later claimed that the car belongs to his uncle. He also said that it belonged to his friend’s father. Police also did not try to find out the real owner of the car.
