Pol stability needed to boost investment: CPD


Center for Policy Dialogue (CPD) Executive Director Dr Mustafizur Rahamn has said the investment is not increasing in the private sector compared to the government sector due to the lack of confidential political atmosphere in the country.
He made this comment at a programme titled ‘Bangladesh Economy 2013-14; third phase interim scrutinising’ held at Brac Centre Inn in the city on Sunday.
Although the political mayhem has somewhat come down after the January 5 national elections, the uncertainty is yet to disappear, added Dr. Mustafiz.
For this reason, he said, the businessmen are not showing interest in middle and long-term investment. “The consensus-based politics is greatly needed to boost investment in the private sector”.
He apprehended that that the fresh polls might not be held immediately due to the unfaith among major political parties.
“If the door of dialogue is stopped, nothing will come out except anarchy. So, the process of consensus through a dialogue should be embarked on for a fresh poll with the participation of all the political parties,” he continued.
“There has been a big scope created in the global economy for our country to boost its economy, which requires a sound atmosphere,” said Dr Mustafiz.
He went on saying to fulfill the dream of a ‘middle-income country’ within 2021, the growth must be increased by eight to 10 per cent.
The local government should also be strengthened to implement its different projects that cannot be possible without a good governance and institutional ability, he added.  
CPD Research Director Fahmida Khatun, Senior Researcher Tawfiqul Islam Khan and Additional Director Dr Khondoker Golam Muazzem, among others, spoke.
