Gen Mahbub warns: Pol situation may take a serious turn


Staff Reporter :BNP standing committee member Lt Gen (retd) Mahbubur Rahman has said that the country’s political situation might take a serious turn if the government does not resolve the current political crisis. Holding a free and inclusive national election is the solution to overcome the crisis, he said while speaking at a discussion in the city on Saturday. Mahbubur Rahman alleged that the Awami League-led government killed the spirit of Liberation War through holding the one-sided and voter less January-5 election in 2014. “We established independent Bangladesh in exchange of a sea of blood for establishing the democratic rights. Awami League hit the democratic spirit repeatedly,” he further alleged.  Jatiyatabadi Sangskritik Dal, a pro-BNP orgainsation, arranged the discussion on “National Election Participating All Parties to End Political Crisis” at the National Press Club. President of Jatiya Gonotantrik Party (Jagpa) Shafiul Alam Prodhan, BNP Chairperson’s adviser Advocate Ahmed Azam Khan and secretary general of Bangladesh NAP M Golam Mustafa Bhuiyan spoke in the function, among others. Md Humayun Kabir Bepari was in the chair. Mahbubur Rahman asked the government to arrange a free and fair national election before the time runs out. “Or else, the crisis will invite a disaster that may badly attack the foundation of our national existence and security,” he said. He also said a devastating storm might hit the political landscape if it is not resolved soon and the government won’t be able to save itself from the political disaster.The former army chief said that the current crisis is not only harming the politics, but also damaging the country’s economy. He lamented that foreigners are making no investment in the country while crores of taka are being siphoned off abroad. “A residential area in Canada has been called ‘Begumbagh’ where the wives of many rich men are living, while their husbands plundering money here and laundering that,” he alleged.Voicing deep concern over deterioration of the law and order situation, the senior BNP leader said the incidents of killing, repression and enforced disappearance have now become regular affairs, as there is no democracy. No one is now safe in the country, he added. Referring to the killing of three people in Tangail by police open firing and the brutal assault of a woman and her son, the BNP leader said Bangladesh has become a country of brutal killing.
