‘Pol parties don’t practice democracy’


Dr Zafrullah Chowdhury of Gonoshasthya Kendra has said there is no practice of democracy in major political parties, including the Awami League and the BNP.
He has also questioned the BNP’s leader selection process, saying that the party does not follow democratic process properly in selecting leader as the power lies in a single hand and some former bureaucrats influence the single hand to select leadership. Dr Zafrullah made the comment and raised the question at a discussion at the National Press Club on Saturday. Bangladesh Sammilita Peshajibi Parishad, the pro-BNP professionals’ body, arranged the discussion on “Democracy, Election and Election Commission: Present Perspective”.  
Drawing the attention of BNP leaders, who were present, Dr Zafrullah said, the BNP is failing to play active role in favour of people’s demands. He also spoke about the first President of the country and said that BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia and her son Tarique Rahman should study more to prove their claim.  
BNP standing committee member Barrister Rafiqul Islam Miah addressed the function as the chief guest with Ruhul Amin Gazi in the chair. Former DU VC Prof Dr Emajuddin Ahmed and former Pro-VC Prof Dr AFM Yusuf Haider also addressed it, among others.
Barrister Rafique came down heavily on acting Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Abdul Mobarak for his statement against Khaleda Zia. He said that the acting CEC has become an active cadre of the ruling Awami League. He has even overcome the AL cadres in showing allegience.
He said that the post of acting CEC is ‘unconstitutional’. “There is no acting CEC in the Constitution. Abdul Mobarak illegally holds the post while the CEC has violated the rule going on long vacation. So, the present EC should be impeached through forming Supreme Judicial Council,” the BNP leader said.  
He alleged that the ruling party, the EC and the election officers are working together to ruin the democracy.  
