Poetry of Iqbal

Now after knowing about the women in poetry and life of Iqbal, in following paragraphs characteristics of an ideal Muslim woman will be discussed as described by Allama Iqbal. Allama Iqbal’s poetry reflects the teachings of Islam, be it any aspect of his thoughts, he is influenced by the guidance from Islam. When it comes to guide the women, a major portion of society, he seeks light from the teachings of the holy Quran. Islam respects women and woman is truly honoured. Islam is not only a religion; it is a complete way of life. Women are half of humanity. She is a mother, wife, daughter and sister.
When we go through the Urdu and Persian poetry of Allama Iqbal, the most important role of a woman as Iqbal observes is the character of ‘Woman as a Mother.’ As Iqbal himself was brought up in the lap of a pious mother, he has put so much emphasis on the mothers of nation in his poetry. As a role model for the mothers of nations Iqbal bring the example of Hazrat Fatima-tuz-Zahra, the mother of Hazrat Imam Hasan (Ra) and Imam Husain (Ra).
In the above lines Iqbal praises Hazrat Fatima. He says Hazarat Mariam has only one reference for being dear to us and that is being the mother of Hazrat Isa As, (Jesus). But Hazrat Fatima is dear to us because of her three references as being the daughter of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace be upon him), being the wife of Hazarat Ali (Ra), and being the mother of icon of solidarity of Islam that is Hazrat Imam Husain (Ra). Iqbal believes that it was the influence of the personality and the teachings of a mother that her son elevated the name of Islam in war against evil. So Iqbal confirms that for the mothers of the nation the role model of Hazrat Fatima (Ra) is best to be followed. At another place in Ramuz-e-Bekhudi he addresses the women of nation:
O woman your veil is a protection of respect, and-you are the source of our light, your pure nature is a blessing for us. You are the strength of religion and nation, as our child washes his lips from your milk and you are the one who first taught him that God is One and only, your love has transformed our actions, our thoughts, our speech and our personality.
A woman as a mother has so much responsibility on her shoulders and if she justifies her obligations then there is no reason for her not having the heavens under her feet. Allama Iqbal also quotes this famous Hadith that heaven is under the feet of mother.
In Armghan-e Hijaz Iqbal claims that fate of nation can be read from the forehead of its mothers.
When Iqbal points out woman as an equal and more important component of society, he lays so much emphasis on the education of woman. Woman equipped with both religious and modem education can definitely lead the younger generation to better individual and community life. Iqbal, according to the teachings of Quran, has encouraged providing equal opportunities of getting education as provided to man. For woman religious educations is even more important than worldly education.
“If Frankish culture blights the motherly urge,
for human race it means a funeral dirge.
The lore that makes a woman lose her rank
Is naught, but death in eyes of wise and frank.
If schools for girls no lore impart on creed,
Then lore and crafts for love are death indeed.”
Iqbal’s poetry gives us the message of morals and ethics. As education is the solution to all our ills education should be meaningful. Iqbal wanted to create a culture of education and civilsation in which we can learn values and ethics as well. Iqbal was a great poet with vision. He had predicted about a century ago the situation of his nation sandwiched between the teachings of Islam and western culture and education.
“The girls are learning English
The nation prosperity’s way has found
The ways of the West are in view
Eastern ways sinful are found
What scenes will this drama produce?
On curtain’s raising this will be found.”
West has attracted the eastern woman in the name of women’s right.
Women of the West are the part of society that is facing injustice and dishonour. They discarded their desires and the result is a shameful and hated end. Iqbal conveys the massage of Islam to protect their honour granted by Islam. In Zarb-e-Kalim he addresses the women not to follow the western culture and warns that he can visualise the nation facing a great disaster just because of following the western culture. Iqbal blames man for detraction of woman as he considers man responsible for the distress of woman.
“A fact alive is in my breast concealed,
He can behold whose blood is not congealed.
To wear a veil and learn new lore or old
can’t guard fair sex except a person bold.
A nation which can’t see this truth divine,
Pale grows its son and soon begins decline.”
We can conclude from the poetry of Allama Iqbal that the most important role of woman in her life is that of being a good mother. It’s not important for the elevation of soul and personality of woman herself but it is of great importance for any nation and when it comes to the Muslim nation a mother is a trainer of future generation.
To reach this goal Iqbal wants the woman to be well equipped with religious as well as modem education. Over all the message of Allama Iqbal for women is the same as directed by Islam. Allah granted a high place for women, and they should share the responsibilities of upholding the truth and forbidding evil.