‘Poetry nurtures qualities to become good human being’


With poetry tracing out the underlying power of human being and everyday events and making the people enriched with good manners and characters, poems should be a must reading habit for all to make them resonant with light of hope.
This was stated by Information Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud at a function held in Shawkat Osman auditorium of Public Library at Shahbagh here.
The habit of poetry reading and recitation helps nurture patriotism, human values, and affinity among people and refrains them from leading a mechanical life in present surrounding, he said.
“To stay away from getting addicted to social media and indulged in terrorism, the exercise of poetry reading could be a rewarding solution,” he said.
The ‘Abritti Academy’, a poetry recitation platform, arranged the programme marking its 21st founding anniversary.
People are becoming more machine-centric abstaining themselves from thinking about their families and the society as well, he said, advocating to follow the things that evoke beauty and joy in one’s mind.
