Laughing at the
word Two
-Hafiz Shirazi
That Illumined
Who keeps
Seducing the formless into form
Had the charm to win my
Only a Perfect One
Who is always
Laughing at the word
Can make you know

From: ‘The Gift’
Translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Ray of hope
-M. Anisur Rahman Mithu
It was 1950-53 when Korean War persisted
Korean peninsula was divided into different parts
Stalinist north and democratic south
The roar of war was on the offing at that time
Days come and days go, suspicion among them was on the rise
Both the parties enhance their military might
Communist north stocked pile of sophisticated arms
The south increase conventional arms at the outmost
Democratic south stationed troops from the democratic USA
The north stocked of WMD and nuclear devices
North created IBM and other missiles focused to the south
The total peninsula came on to nuclear skirmishes
The yellow river and yellow sea was the field of battle
Sometimes the north exploded nuclear device over the sea
And Japan Sea and country- Japan so on and so fourth
Both the statesmen Donald Trump and Mr. Kim came
Forward at the summit of the historical interest
The summit of the two brought ray of the sunshine’s
Which lead to ray of hope of peace and prosperity?
Kim said there would be a new order in the world
Trump confirmed his willingness to trust Mr. Kim
Kim assured that he would do some to shun nuclearization
Now USA secretary of state visiting the north once again to make
Believable the effort of the north in nuclearization
Actually the efforts made by the both the parties would
Led the new hope and aspiration to make nuclear free zone
Further works would enhance the hope to restore peace
Prosperity- anew order in the area that Korean peninsula
May peace prevail on the both the statesmen and the peninsula
It is the time to do something for the betterment of the world and people.


Whither love
-M. Mizanur Rahman

While in love with someone
You must reserve your tender place at heart.
It’s never money or means of wealth;
but love is invaluable means in life!
She who knows her fiancée with no strife
but absolute heart and soul
at breath!
Time and space with woes and happiness
where I all the best live
along with considerable sorrow
and sufferings but I couldn’t pay my debt
while I am sure you are still confident
of my love!
You seem to be far away from me
even at close door!
As if it’s the sea without shore!
I understand you soothe my pain
by your soft heart!

It appears love is full of pain time and again!
I know you quench my thirst of love
like moving clouds raining drops down
from above!
I always hear of your soft words
with tears
of love rolling down at my bosom!
Anyway I cannot bear your absence
while I remain at home!
So long you are at my heart
I can hear your sweet voice.
O my love, tell me where to have
such an amiable sweet song
which I need from you all along?
When I can’t see you anywhere
here or there,

are you then evanesced from my heart
as an illusion of mirage of the desert?
