
Short Story
Journey for
Arisha Naveen
nce upon a time, there was a girl named Lily. At that time there were no iPhones, nothing to learn if animals were friendly or not, if plants were friendly or not and there were so many. Lily always loved turtles.
Every morning and night she always used to tell her parents ‘Please can I have a pet turtle? ‘There were no iPhones and apps to learn if turtles were friendly or not. So, her mom and dad thought that turtles might not be friendly. After a few months Lily thought she had to stop telling her parents for a pet turtle and find one herself.
When she grew up, she had two best friends: Lilac and Luna. They also wanted a pet turtle. Then they went out to find their dream pet turtle. First, they came across a forest. Luna asked, “Is it safe to go there?” Lilac said: Let your fears be away and be brave. Then they went to the forest and saw a tiger. The tiger was friendly and said, I am cursed, can you help me? Lily said, yes, we can help you, but how? The tiger said, to cure me you need to get milk from that tree. Lily went to get the milk from the tree. She took and fed the tiger the milk. The tiger said, in a few days I will be cured and thank you all for your help.
After that, they came across an ocean and Lily asked: Does anyone, have an axe so that we can chop down wood to make a boat? Lilac said: I have one. Then Lilac chopped down some wood, made a boat and gave the spare wood to Luna. Then they started to cross the ocean. Half way in the ocean, they saw a shark. The shark quickly started to break the boat. Lily said, quick Luna, make another boat! Then Luna quickly made a boat and placed it in the water. They all jumped to the boat and fooled the shark. Then they reached an island and saw a bleeding bird crying for help. All of them got things to cure the bird. After the bird was cured the bird said, “Thank you, can I help you?” Lilac said, “Yes, can you help us to find turtles?” The bird said: Yes follow me. They followed the bird to a place where there were birds, butterflies, flowers, turtles and there it never ever rains. They three found three turtles. The turtles were sad because they were always the hated ones. So, those three turtles agreed to go home with the girls, and they all went home safely and lived happily. n
[Arisha Naveen (7) is a student of Class -I of Sunnydale School]
