

Ashraful Musaddeq

Passed (To D Elizabeth R Taylor)
Deplete calyx
Is weeping from the orchid
Kitten Taylor passed

Peoples quarreling
Around circumference
Worrying context

Petal of the time
Falling slowly declining
And moonbeam laughing

Day misses night
The moon never meets the sun
Physical desire


Downloaded the mind
Laying down on the mind
Upon mind-pillow

Poem like shooting star
Disappearing inside mind
Anguish flying.

My heart sings my soul’s song
Shamsul Alam Belal

The hidden glory enlightens the infinite,
Draws near each human being to a blissful light
And dwells in every breath of divine love.
The weary wanderer in the desert,
A way from the human encampment,
Stares blank to the vast circuit of countless stars
That dives into the smoking furnace.
The sun everyday rolls down to the west,
The voice of silent night tells something fresh
But the sweet dream obscures all the
Purposes of prolonged will in life.
Oh God! We pay our vows to Your Omnipotence,
Give us the strength to strike upon
The great clock of time in our way to life.
There’s no barrier against sin
Which blinds the mind and hardens the heart
But there are innumerable barriers in each step
Of the noble paths to all sacred destinations.
A flood of healing grace moves on
In gloomy promises towards the ultimate ruin,
My love dies into the night to which comes
No morning while thousands of voice
Joins in a triumphant strain.
