al-Qaeda threat: PM’s security tightened


UNB, Chittagong :
In the wake of al-Qaeda’s reported threat to Bangladesh, the government plans to strengthen the security of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
“We’re specially considering about further beefing up
the security of the Prime Minister,” said her security adviser Maj Gen (retd) Tarique Ahmed Siddique.
Tarique came up with the remarks replying to a question from journalists after attending the annual final round exercise of Bangladesh Navy in the deep sea here.
An audiovisual message, believed to be from al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, has urged the Muslims in Bangladesh to wage an intifada (popular uprising) to confront the “crusader onslaught against Islam”.
As his attention was drawn to it, the PM’s adviser said they are not worried about the threat as various outfits have been issuing similar threats since 2009. “There’s is nothing new in it for us.”
Tarique also claimed that they have already identified the location from where the audio message circulated, but declined to elaborate it for strategic reasons.
Bangladesh Navy completed its 16-day annual exercise through various activities, including missile launching, Rocket Depth Charge (RDC) and surface firing, in the Bay of Bengal on Monday.
The exercise began on February 2 under the code name ‘Exercise Sea Thunder 2014’.
