PMO trashes TIB report on Rana Plaza assistance

UNB, Dhaka :
Dismissing Transparency International Bangladesh’s (TIB’s) report that claimed Tk 108 crore mobilised in
the prime minister’s aid fund to distribute among Rana plaza victims remains unused, the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) on Thursday said there is no fund in the name of Rana Plaza.
“I would like to clearly say there is/was no fund in the name of Rana Plaza in the Prime Minister’s Office. There are two funds of the Prime Minister-one is Relief and Welfare Fund and another is Discretionary Fund,” said PMO Director General-4 Kabir Bin Anwar. He said this while addressing a press conference to clarify TIB’s version on the fund of Rana Plaza victims held at the PMO.
An amount of Tk 108 crore mobilised in the prime minister’s aid fund to distribute among Rana plaza victims remains unused, said a TIB study on Tuesday.
“About Tk 108 crore out of Tk 127 crore deposited to the prime minister’s aid fund for the victims is yet to be disbursed,” the TIB study claimed.
Kabir Bin Anwar said, “From the Relief and Welfare Fund, destitute people are given financial assistance for all the year long. Benevolent persons and organisations used to donate in the fund, especially in the disasters like Sidr, Aila, Flood etc. There’s no government allocation for the fund. On the other, there’s financial allocation for Discretionary Fund. Grants are also given from the fund.” Financial regulations are maintained following expenditure from the funds and audit is being carried out regularly, he added.
“I hope, after our clarification, all doubts and controversies will end. I would like to request all to verify information, especially on the Prime Minister’s Office. The Primer Minister’s Office is very transparent. Anyone can get information if wants under the Right to Information Act,” Kabir Bin Anwar said.
Atiqul Islam, the President of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), said the Prime Minister provided assistance to the Rana Plaza victims from her Relief and Welfare Fund.
“I’ll request TIB to clarify on which basis they made the comment,” he added.