PMO officials to be smart in dealing with files: Hasina

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday asked the officials of her office to be prompt and smart while dealing with files so that time is not wasted in any way.
“Sometimes it is seen a file comes and is sent back with some questions, and then again the file comes and sent back with more questions. There should be no waste of time in file sending and receiving,” she said.
The Prime Minister said this in her introductory speech at a views-exchange meeting with senior officials of the Prime Minister’s Office.
Sheikh Hasina said, the PMO is connected with all ministries. “That’s why I’ll ask you to improve your communications with the respective ministries for accelerating all works.”
She asked the officials to visit the ministry concerned and keep in touch with the relevant official. “This is also necessary to complete the works in time.”
The Prime Minister directed the government officials to be more active to take the country forward further by implementing the government’s economic policies and goals. Hasina said the government officials have both advantages and difficulties while performing their responsibilities. “But they must think about people, especially the poor and working class.”  
The Prime Minister said her government’s aim is to ensure overall development of every citizen of the country and asked the officials of her office to work in proper coordination to achieve the target.
She suggested them to complete government programmes and projects to achieve its vision 2021 and 2041 to be a higher middle-income and a front-ranking developed nation respectively. Hasina emphasized reducing the income gap between the lower and higher-income group people, and said the government is implementing various programmes so that the lower-income people may graduate to the middle-income group.
She mentioned that over 5 crore people have graduated to middle-income group over the last six years, while poverty has reduced to 22 percent. “If we can reduce it to 14-15 percent, then we’ ll be able to declare Bangladesh a poverty-free country.”
“I’ve the firm belief we can establish Bangladesh as a developed and prosperous nation in South Asia, and we’re working with that self-confidence,” she the told the PMO officials. She mentioned that Bangladesh’s foreign currency reserve now stands at $25.2 billion and the government could go for any big development programme with its own resource. “We’ve achieved that capability,” she said.