PM writes to House of Commons Speaker

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday sent separate messages to the House of Commons Speaker and the Labour Party leader expressing her profound shock at the sadden death of Jo Cox, a Labour Party MP.
“Bangladesh and the United Kingdom share enduring values of freedom of speech, secularism and tolerance. At this tragic hour, our thoughts and prayers are with the grieving family and the democracy loving people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and the Northern Ireland,” she said in the messages sent to Speaker John Bercow MP and leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn MP.
On behalf of the people and the Government of Bangladesh, she extended
heartfelt and deepest condolences to both and through them to the bereaved family and friends of Mrs. Jo Cox.
“In her death, the Labour Party – Britain at large – has lost a champion political campaigner who stood firm for the disadvantaged and marginalised communities. She will be remembered for her selfless commitment to global peace and tolerance,” Sheikh Hasina said in her message to the leader of the Labour Party.