Kh Mahbub says: PM will be responsible if Salahuddin not found

Staff Reporter :
President of Supreme Court Bar Association (SCBA) Khandaker Mahbub Hossain on Friday said that the Prime Minister Sheikh
 Hasina would be held responsible if the BNP leader Salahuddin Ahmed was not found.
“It is the law enforcement agencies’ duty to find out him. If they fail to trace the BNP leader, the Prime Minister should take the responsibility for the disappearance of Salahuddin,” the SCBA President said at a discussion in the Jatiya Press Club in the city.
Nurses Association of Bangladesh (NAB) organized the discussion in protest against the ongoing enforced disappearances, murder, extra-judicial killing, and the abduction of Salahuddin.
Speaking as the chief guest Mahbub said that the BNP leader Ilias Ali also disappeared during the tenure of Sheikh Hasina as premier, but the government could not find out him.
“Now Salahuddin Ahmed has been abducted, but the law enforcement agencies cannot trace him. If they fail, one day the Prime Minister will have to answer,” he said.
Criticizing the government for the present volatile situation, the SCBA President said that the government had indulged in patrol bomb attacks only to divert the people’s attention and stigmatize the opponents’ democratic movements.
Hartal and blockades are the people’s democratic right, but the present government is trying to divert it in a different direction, he said.
“The government is trying to use the law enforcement agencies to stay in power. They are killing and crippling people for vengeance. One day the government will have to pay for that,” he said.
NAB President Jahanara Khatun presided over the programme. Among others, journalist leader Ruhul Amin Gazi, Shawkat Mahmud, SM Rafiqul Islam, Harunar Rashid and Abdul Awal Tagore also spoke on the occasion.