PM wants to expand ties with Gulf states

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that her government wants to expand its relations with the Gulf in trade, tourism, investment and strategic partnership for economic development alongside bolstering the trade ties with the UAE.
“My government wants to attract foreign investments towards new sectors such as port, energy, power, real estate, civil aviation, tourism and telecommunications,” she said.
The Prime Minister came up with the views in separate interviews with the Gulf News and Khaleej Times during her three-day (Oct 25-27) visit to the UAE.
“We want to expand the relationship with the Gulf in trade, tourism, investment and strategic partnership for economic development,” Hasina told the Gulf News.
The visit is a continuation of Sheikh Hasina’s past visit to the UAE in January, 2011, for furthering the level of UAE-Bangladesh partnership to a comprehensive, strategic and sustainable level.
“The economic opportunities prevailing in Bangladesh are strong enough to attract foreign investors. One has to take interest, come and see us. We’ll do the rest to facilitate. From our side, we’ve eased the regulatory environment and made them more
conducive to foreign direct investment,” she said. “The investment climate is now much better in Bangladesh than before. We have also ensured political stability. We are now trying to promote our attractiveness to large investor groups, including from the UAE and Middle East,” Hasina said.
She said Bangladesh hopes to play an active role in some of the UAE’s exciting platforms – like the World Expo 2020 and Dubai Design District – to promote its products, services, cuisine and culture, and to demonstrate its socioeconomic progress.
In another interview with the Khaleej Times while her attention was drawn about the last election and the election boycott of BNP and some other parties, she said, “The system of caretaker government has been declared unconstitutional by the highest court of the country. Interestingly, the system was challenged in the highest court by a citizen during the Bangladesh Nationalist Party regime.”