PM unveils book on her question-answer session in JS

BSS, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina unveiled the cover of an 11-volume compilation of book titled “Ninth Jatiya Sangsad: Prime Minister’s Question-Answer” at her office here on Thursday afternoon.
In the book, the readers will observe the traits of Prime Minister and Leader of the House Sheikh Hasina’s deep wisdom, determination and willingness to build the country side by side with getting comprehensive concept about the massive development that took place in various sectors under the ministries and divisions of the government.
Prime Minister’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim was the chief editor of the compilation, while PM’s Speech Writer Md. Nazrul Islam compiled and edited it.
Department of Films and Publications Director General Mohammad Ishtaque Hossain made the overall management of the compilation in association with PM’s Assistant Press Secretary M. M. Emrul Kayas.
The 9th parliamentary election was held on December 29, 2008. Bangladesh Awami League-led Grand Alliance secured absolute majority in the polls.
Sheikh Hasina took the charge of Prime Minister for the second time on January 6, 2009.
She introduced the Prime Minister’s question-answer session for the first time to give the parliamentary democracy an institutional shape.
Because of her sincere efforts, the provision of filling up the post of chairmen of parliamentary standing committees of ministries from general members instead of concerned ministers was introduced to ensure transparency and accountability of different ministries.
These epoch-making initiatives helped make the government activities more transparent and accountable.