PM to distribute National Film Award-2016 on July 8


The National Film Awards-2016 will be distributed through a gala function at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre (BICC) here on July 8.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is scheduled to hand over the awards, the highest recognition for contribution to the film industry.
On April 5, the Information Ministry announced the names of the National Film Award recipients for the year 2016 in 26 categories for outstanding contributions to the industry.
Farida Akhter, better known by her screen name Babita, and Akbar Hossain Pathan, also better known by his screen name Faruq, have jointly been awarded the lifetime awards.
“Aggyatonama” has been awarded as the best film of the year and its producer Faridur Reza Shagar has been mentioned as the awardee for it.
S M Kamrul Ahsan has been awarded for his film “Ghran” as the best film producer in the short film category.
In the best documentary category, “Jonmoshathi” has been awarded the best film and Ekattur Media Ltd and Muktijuddho Jadughar have been jointly awarded for it.
Amitav Reza Chowdhury has been awarded the best director award for his film “Ainabazi”.
Suchinta Chowdhury Chonchol, better known by his screen name Chonchol Chowdhury, has been adjudged the best actor in the principal role for the film “Ainabazi”.
The best principal actress award went to Afroza Imroz Tisha and Kushum Chowdhury jointly for their films “Ostitto” and “Shonkhochil” respectively.
