‘PM takes agriculture to newer height’


City Desk :

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has taken the agriculture sector to a newer height and made Bangladesh a food surplus country alongside taking more steps to further enhance food production and ensure welfare of farmers.
Chairman of Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA) and former Awami League lawmaker Begum Akhter Jahan said this at an orientation meeting held at Begum Rokeya auditorium of RDRS Bangladesh in Rangpur on the twenty-seventh instant as the chief guest.
Rangpur Circle of BMDA organized the event to inform progress of activities being implemented under the ‘Expansion of Irrigation in greater Rangpur district through best uses of surface water and conservation of rainwater project (EIRP), reports BSS’.
Project Director of EIRP and Superintending Engineer of BMDA for Rangpur Circle Engineer Md. Habibur Rahman Khan chaired the event and made a PowerPoint presentation on the project activities in five districts of greater Rangpur.
Executive Director of BMDA Engineer Md. Abdur Rashid, Dean of the Faculty of Arts of Begum Rokeya University and Director of Riverine People Bangladesh Professor Dr. Tuhin Wadud, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue) AWM Raihan Shah and Senior Journalist Engineer Md. Mamun Islam addressed the event as special guests.
Engineer Khan narrated progress of EIRP project activities in 35 upazilas of greater Rangpur to promote agriculture making the best use of surface water alongside improving the environment, ecology and biodiversity.
Re-excavation of almost dried rivers, canals and beels and ponds, installation of low lift pumps, solar power-run dug wells and construction of foot over bridges and cross dams and tree plantation are being implemented under the project.
“Re-excavation of water bodies is increasing water holding capacity, reloading groundwater table, making waterlogged lands suitable for agriculture while stored water being used for irrigation, poultry and fish farming and household activities,” Khan added.
