PM stresses basin-based trans-boundary rivers’ water management


City Desk :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday emphasized the need for taking a basin-based approach to manage waters of trans-boundary rivers alongside a better water management system to ‘build back better’ from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
“In the Asia-Pacific region, we must combine our forces to share good practices, knowledge and technologies to help address our common challenges. A basin-wise approach is needed to manage the waters of trans-boundary rivers,” she said.
She also attached importance to regional or sub-regional cooperation, including hydro-power generation and transmission.
The prime minister put the importance in a video message broadcast in the two-day Fourth Asia-Pacific Water Summit being held in the Japanese city of Kumamoto with the theme “Water for Sustainable Development – Best Practices and the Next Generation”, reports BSS.
Describing water as vital for life, she said, “It is fundamental for sustainable development and for promoting a culture of peace. We need to ensure sound water management to ‘build back better’ from the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.”
The premier said that they are indebted to future generations to deliver on their international commitments on water, including the water related SDGs.
“Our youths must be empowered so that they can become responsible actors for water inclusiveness, efficiency and sustainability,” she added.
Referring to an event held in 2016, Sheikh Hasina said she was a member of the UN High-level Panel on Water that adopted a ‘Call to Action’.
The mid-term review of the Water Action Decade next year will provide us a platform in implementing the action agenda, she said, hoping, “The Kumamoto Declaration will be a useful contribution to that process.”
