PM slams BNP for hartal call during SSC exams

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Saturday slammed the BNP-Jamaat alliance for calling a 72-hour nationwide hartal from Sunday instead of withdrawing the ongoing transport blockade ahead of the SSC examinations.
She, however, expressed her firm determination that the government would not allow anyone to play ducks and drakes with the fate of the country’s people.
The Prime Minister came up with remarks while laying foundation stones of three development projects, including the head office building of Bangladesh Water Development Board ‘Pani Bhaban’, at Green Road in the city.
“The SSC exams are knocking at the door… all were waiting with high hopes that they (BNP-Jamaat alliance) would call off their blockade and stop the killing in arson attacks during the SSC exams. But they did not do that. Instead, they called a 72-hour hartal,” she said.
The SSC and equivalent examinations are scheduled to begin across the country on Monday.
Mentioning that the academic activities of students remain suspended as they could not go to their educational institutions, she called upon all to be united with the spirit of 1971 and Liberation War to resist the destructive activities of the BNP-Jamaat alliance. “And I’ ll tell the BNP-Jamaat to stop their game. The people of Bangladesh will never accept this and we won’t allow anyone to play ducks and drakes with the fate of people,” she said.
Observing that the BNP-Jamaat alliance has taken to the street to
kill the general and poor people, Hasina posed a question, “Aren’t these people are human beings. “How a Muslim can kill another Muslim in arson attacks.”
Noting that the unholy nexus still cannot accept the defeat of 1971, she said, “The defeated forces, war criminals and those who had been engaged in crimes against humanity have become active again to impede the country’s development.”
She also questioned the logic behind the current movement of the BNP-Jamaat alliance. “What type of movement is this… why are they killing people in arson attacks?”
Mentioning that they do politics for the welfare of the common people, the Prime Minister said, “If people are killed in arson attacks, then what is our politics… for whom do we do our politics? I failed to understand this.”
Presided over by Water Resources Minister Barrister Anisul Islam Mahmud the function was addressed, among others, by State Minister Nazrul Islam, Chairman of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on the Water Resources Ministry Romesh Chandra Sen and Secretary of the Ministry Dr Zafar Ahmed Khan.