PM seeks S’pore’s coop for quick Rohingya repat


Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Friday sought cooperation of Singapore for speedy repatriation of the forcibly displaced Rohingyas.
“Rohingya is the formidable burden for Bangladesh whereas Singapore has various engagements with Myanmar. Singapore can play a significant role for quick repatriation of Rohingyas,” she said while Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat paid a courtesy call at her residence of place in New Delhi.
After the call on, Foreign Secretary Md. Shahidul Haque briefed the newsmen.
The premier reminded Heng Swee Keat that they put up the Rohingya issue before the world while her country was chair of the ASEAN.
The Singaporean Deputy Prime Minister praised the massive socio-economic development of Bangladesh under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. He wanted to know how Bangladesh made possible its unprecedented development and its priority sectors to this end.
In reply, Sheikh Hasina said her government has attached priority on agriculture, education and training.
Foreign Minister Dr. A K Abdul Momen, Land Minister Saifuzzaman Chowdhury, State Minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shariar Alam and PM’s Principal Secretary Md. Nojibur Rahman were present on the occasion.
Two Singaporean ministers were also present on the occasion.
