PM seeks people’s help in curbing terrorism

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Wednesday urged the country’s people to come up to supplement the government’s effort in eliminating terrorism and militancy alongside creating awareness against the menace.
“It’s my fervent call to you all that your support is needed in curbing terrorism and militancy as well as supplement our anti-terrorism and anti-militancy steps. Besides, we’ll also have to help capture those involved in terrorism and militant acts, put them behind bars and finally ensuring their due punishment,” she said.
The Prime Minster was replying to a supplementary question raised by independent MP Haji Selim (Dhaka-7) during her scheduled question-answer session.
The Leader of the House reiterated her firm determination to make Bangladesh a peaceful country as it is moving ahead. She said the police force has been strengthened while the other law enforcement agencies have also been given proper training for ensuring security of the common people and a peaceful environment in the country. Besides, the law and order development committees have been made more active.
The Prime Minister said, the most important thing is to create much more awareness among people as it will help the government take the country ahead towards peace. “Since, we’ve taken measures to protect people from the adverse impacts of climate
change, the same way we’ve taken steps to protect their lives.”
Replying to another supplementary question from Jatiya Party MP Fakhrul Imam, Hasina said Bangladesh has already set an example in the world through creating the climate change trust fund.
Mentioning that Bangladesh Awami League is always conscious about the environment, she said her party through Bangladesh Krishak League has been carrying out tree-plantation campaign since 1983 on the very first day of Bengali month Ashar every year.
The Prime Minister told the House that a plan is also there on how to reclaim more lands from rivers through conducting dredging as well as reclaiming lands from the sea for utilising those in agriculture and industrialisation.
Answering to a starred tabled question from independent MP Haji Selim (Dhaka-7), Hasina said she has devoted the ‘Champions of the Earth’ award to the people of the country as she thinks she has been tackling the adverse impacts of natural disasters and climate change along with the people of Bangladesh.