PM seeks investment from Kuwait

UNB, Dhaka :
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday urged Kuwait to invest in Bangladesh’s infrastructural development and import its world-class products.
She made the request when Undersecretary of Ministry of Interior of Kuwait Lt General Sulaiman Fahad Al Fahad met her with his 20-member delegation at the PM’s official residence Ganabhaban.
Hasina requested Kuwait to import various world-class items, including ceramics, jute and jute goods, pharmaceuticals, leather and leather goods from Bangladesh, as Kuwait has remained Bangladesh’s major development partner since the early stage of its independence.
The Prime Minister said Bangladesh is ready to send more manpower to Kuwait if its government wants to take.
About the refinery that Kuwait wanted to set up in Bangladesh, she said the land for that refinery is ready and Kuwait can start the process anytime.
Hasina said Bangladesh and Kuwait are working together in international arena and hoped that this cooperation will be strengthened further between the two brotherly countries in the coming days.
Recalling Bangladesh army’s contributions during the Kuwait war and its post-war rebuilding process, she said Bangladesh army will always remain beside Kuwait in the coming days.
She also mentioned that the army personnel of Kuwait could avail the world standard training facilities of Bangladesh Army.
The Prime Minister through the Undersecretary of Ministry of Interior invited the Kuwait Emir on behalf of the President of Bangladesh and herself.
Sulaiman Fahad said Bangladesh and Kuwait are enjoying a very warm relationship, which will be bolstered further in the days to come.
Expressing his deepest gratitude to Bangladesh, its government and the army for helping his country during Kuwait war and rebuilding his country after the war, he said, “We’ll never forget this, Bangladesh is the bosom friend of Kuwait.”
He also hoped the relations between the armies of the two countries will be deepened further.