PM praises civil admin for its role over Jan 5 election


UNB, Dhaka :
Lauding the role of the civil administration, including the secretaries, during the critical juncture of the country, especially during the last general election, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Monday hoped that their positive and constructive professional role would continue in the future, too.
“The public administration through its integrated and quick steps has tackled the bids of unleashing violence and subversive acts during the pre-polls, post-polls and election time (Jan 5 polls). I hope your positive constructive professional role will continue in the future as well,” she said.
The Prime Minister was addressing the first meeting of the Secretaries Committee at the Secretariat after assuming office for the third time. The meeting began at 12:30 pm and lasted for almost four hours.
Briefing reporters after the meeting, Cabinet Secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said the Prime Minister issued some advice, guidance, directives and instructions to the secretaries in an open-ended manner.
Information Secretary Mortuza Ahmed was present at the briefing. Sixty-one secretaries, including the Cabinet Secretary, attended the day’s meeting. Twenty-three secretaries spoke on the occasion.
Musharraf said the meeting focussed on issues like good governance, skilled management and development planning and their due implementation.
The Cabinet Secretary said the Prime Minister praised the sincerity and integrity of the Secretaries in implementing the vision, philosophy, policy and programmes of the government.
“The civil administration discharged its professional duties properly, especially during the critical juncture of the country,” the Cabinet Secretary quoted the Prime Minister as saying.
It is the duty of the public representatives to maintain the continuity of democracy alongside upholding the constitutional provisions, Hasina said adding that the civil administration plays a supportive role there.
She stressed the need for devolution of power for strengthening the various local government institutions. “They need to be strengthened by not only providing them with additional funding from the centre, but also by enhancing their capacity to utilize those funds.”
