PM opens mobile app for weather info

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) has developed a mobile application ‘BMD Weather App’ to facilitate smartphone users to get its all daily information services and keep them update about weather. The smartphone users can now download the mobile application from the Google Play Store as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on Tuesday formally inaugurated it at her office. Briefing reporters, PM’s Press Secretary Ihsanul Karim told reporters that this application shows the latest weather information from
the automatic weather monitoring centers situated in various parts of the country.
“The latest information on air temperature, air pressure, direction, amount of rain can also be immediately known through using the application,” he said. Besides, it can be known easily the cautionary signals regarding cyclones, earthquake, agriculture weather, hydrology, cold wave, and drought related information through the app.
The Bangladesh Meteorological Department, under the Ministry of Defence, also launched the application in public interest aiming to provide timely and comparatively flawless weather forecast and cautionary signals and thus ensure safer river and air movement, alongside reducing the extent of losses of life and property by nor’wester, cyclone, tornado, excessive rain, flood and such natural disasters.